Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wednesday MB Ride

Yesterdays Mountain Bike ride wasn’t the dust free epic traction ride we were hoping for but it was still a little better than previous weeks. 5 starters for the ride which seems pretty common but we did manage to pick up a newbie in the bush (Mike) on his brand new Trek carbon machine. Usual tracks were there with a couple of old half grown over ridden just to mix it up. I think Marty’s afraid of snakes because I’m sure he thought he saw one judging by the speed he went up Conservation Hill; the G and I were impressed, but only a little bit. Of course I knew what he was up to…..that one is safe rest assured Marty. The G rode well and looks a little more at ease in the bush; yes I’m just saying that to make him feel good about himself.
Wayne flatted which I was stoked about because it meant I could have a rest, of course Steve and Marty thought we should do an extra loop while Wayne fixed his flat, those guys are so thoughtful!!!
We went to the bigger hills where I tried and tried again to get up my nemesis but to no avail, close but no cigar, on my third attempt my legs went jelly. Wayne had 1 crack and jumped off early as did the G string, Steve had a couple of cracks as well and Marty the alien did it first go.  


G said...

Is that a compliment!! Jeez you must be softening with your old age

Berg said...

You need the confidence....I'm doing my bit