Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A new Year

A great turnout for the Mountain Bike ride considering the heat with 7 riders fronting. The decision to head to the hills was a popular one (nobody said no….) so hills it was to be. The usual warm up loops were ridden before heading ‘up’. Yes it was warm but after some Christmas cheer and  a few weeks off the mountain bike I for one found the going a bit tougher than normal sweating like a madman. Along the way we were jeered by a couple of old roadies heading out to the Smelter, they looked a little weary judging from how slow they were going :)   7 soon became 6 and so on till there were just 3 left to finish off the ride; a good solid ride to start off the New Year. I won't name the rider that decided to go home when Steve mentioned a technical downhill was where were heading next.....

Tomorrow sees the Thursday roll back into full swing and from what I’ve heard there should be some new faces joining in - a new record in attendance?

Crit racing returns this weekend in Rocky at the Parkhurst circuit on Sunday. For anyone that doesn’t know what a Crit is its basically circuit racing for a set time then 3 laps once that time is up. Very fast and furious racing and great to watch as the riders are always coming past.

This Saturdays rides from Calliope are also shaping to be popular once again for all distances. Just remember leaving 5:30am sharp from the IGA.

I will try to make posts on here a more regular occurrence for 2013. New for this year I have a mystery blogger who will make random posts to assist in keeping the site ticking over. If you have a story or photo you want on here just shoot it through to me.

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