Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thank God It's Friday

A good turnout for the Thursday Roll yesterday with a number of riders dusting of the steed after extended breaks.  With the pace getting a little firmer each lap I was beginning to wonder if there was free beer on at the Surf Club.  Then I realised everyone was taking the opportunity to blow out a few cobwebs whilst Cranky was absent.  It was good to see a number of smaller groups of riders in the area doing a few laps as well. 

Sitting at the back of the Thursday Roll bunch I have noticed some riding habits that I'm not comfortable with.  The first is when turning at a roundabout, and in particular the one at the bottom of Linda St.  As the approach to this roundabout is quite quick it is very important to remain predictable.  The picture below is indicative of how a roundabout should be taken when riding 2 abreast, even when turning right.  I have witnessed riders move from the green line to the yellow line on the approach to the roundabout, then snap back to the green line again at the "apex" of turn.  This is not predictable and you will cause a serious accident one day.

The 2nd issue is similar but occurs when coming down the hill on Millennium Esplanade, from the roundabout towards the Surf Club.  As the road S's downward riders are all over the road, which does not present a good image to non-cyclists.  The phrase "hold you line" should apply here were you follow the wheel in front of you, not channel your inner F1 driver and nail each of the apexes.  I often see, and experience, the left-hand rider move violently left and right (in and out of the car parking spaces on the left) and sometimes almost hit the right-hand rider, or force them towards or over the centre line of the road.  My belief is that we should follow the curvature of the road, not try and make it a straight line.  If we can polish up in these areas we will present much better to the non-cycling public.

Rides for the weekend are as per program.  Stay safe, stay vertical.

To the Berg, hope you are feeling better soon champ...

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Grinders Everywhere!

Well what a turnout we had yesterday! 17 riders if we count Schalk who turned up at the end of the ride! Been quite a while since we’ve had a turnout like that. It was a great roll around with Craig and Paul (who has the nicest bike in town) keeping the pace perfect up front. Maybe the chance to see the local Gun in the flesh was enough to make people get back on the bike and come down, whatever the reason it was great to see.

Saturday Dam ride rolls out from the Tannum Coffee Club at 6am Saturday morning and 7am for the Sunday ride from the Surf Club.

Good sized bunch
The local Gun

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Rides Galore!

Hi all,

Thursday again already and what better way to finish it off then by coming down to the roll leaving from the Surf Club at 5pm. Easy ride.
Saturday the Dam ride will be in full swing leaving the Tannum Coffee Club at 6:30; always fun. To add some variety Doctor Scott will be leaving the Turkey Beach turn off at 6am for a easy ride to Turkey Beach and back if you want a little more distance. Of course if you want something a bit harder and longer the M1 ride is a good thing leaving Craig's bakery (Sun Valley) at 4:45am.
Sunday will be the usual 7am start from the Surf Club. M1 also have a L Plate ride leaving the M1 Shop at 5:30am for a nice lap of Gladstone.
There are a few new riders in the area so if you see them say hello.
This week the Drew’s made their return to riding, so now’s a good time to put the hurt on them before they get their legs back J
