Saturday, August 18, 2012

Brass Monkey Weather

It's funny how the cold weather knocks around the size of the group that turns up for weekend rides.  When looking at it the vast majority of our group are MAMIL's (middle aged men in Lycra) and with middle age comes great wisdom; generally enough to know that when it's bloody cold like this morning a sleep in is the smarter option. Seems some of us are slow learners because a few brave souls headed down Old Tannum road with the temperature reading just over 4 degrees for the Sunday loop. To say it was cold is an understatement. For me riding in that sort of cold is just plain miserable and if long enough painful (yes I know I'm soft).
Anyway to cut a short story shorter we only did half the ride before seeking shelter at the brew shop. Dylan felt the cold the most I think and made anyone looking at him even colder because he looked frozen.
Yesterdays ride was a much nicer ride with the temperature pretty warm (for winter) and the pace very firm with Michael needing to be back by 8:30. At the Dam Michael left us and Daryl, Graeme and I had a quick chat in the fog before heading back at a much nicer pace. The weather was all but perfect as the sun beamed down on us as we cruised along having a great old chat, the birds were chirping, the brooks were babbling, the angles were singing, it was perfect, then we spotted Marty and Steve.........As they caught up I couldn't help but notice they were sweating (why would you ride so hard as to sweat I don't know) and pretty much from that point on the Gentleman's pace we had been enjoying went out the window. The brew shop was a welcome site :)

1 comment:

Vman said...

What a sook.