Monday, July 22, 2013

Tour De Chaplain

Last week saw the Tour De Chaplain run out in the Boyne Valley with great weather for the day after some early fog. There were no shortage of riders with bikes of every shape and size everywhere, that can be said for riders as well!
The theory the organisers had was to put people into groups with different averages and send off the slower groups first with time gaps in between groups. It quickly became evident that the speeds in the groups and within the groups were different and were going to cause some minor issues. This did have an impact on some riders and time spent in the sun but overall I think everyone had a great day out. At every stop there were smiling faces and plenty of lolly's, fruit and drinks on offer :-) It also has to be remembered this ride is for people who generally don't ride a lot and want to challenge themselves and have a great day out, which it was!
There were plenty of smiling faces at the end of the ride which is what it's all about at the end of the day.

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