Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Cyclists abused by runners!

I observed a very peculiar behaviour today. During today’s morning run through a hilly section south of the river. When we approached a winding hill, probably not quite as steep as Creek road but twice the distance. Each runner in the group pointed at a cyclist and yelled out “he’s mine” and then proceeded to race the cyclist up the hill. Each cyclist seems to do well at the start but eventually faded.
1) How demoralising is that?
2) If someone yells “he’s mine” at me. He’s going to get a beating!
3) Where's the big lady on the mountain bike when I needed her? I pointed at guy that looks like Fabian Cancellara... Doh!

this is a testing blog...


Berg said...

Strange folks them city slickers GC, better watch out down there....

G said...

Is getting smashed up a hill by a runner as bad as getting chicked????????