Saturday, June 1, 2013

A BIG Weekend for all the wrong reasons

Well I guess by now everyone has heard about the accident on Saturday that resulted in Robin and Mike going down, and then Robin getting a ride to hospital in the ambulance. What's worse is that by the time Robin got there, 4 others riders from our local region had been there for treatment! When you look at it, the most likely reason (when riding in a bunch) for a crash, is touching a wheel in front of you. A very unpleasant experience I assure you.
When riding in a group you have to concentrate on the wheel you're following for obvious reasons. When external factors like road conditions and lets face it some idiots in cars, trucks and buses, go out of their way to intimidate you, that concentration is diminished. In recent times I have had some close calls where I have almost been sick from how close I have come to being hit and have seriously considered giving it away. Sure riding a bike can be dangerous but there are things that can be done to make it lot safer for cyclists wanting to use the road. I'm not going to go on about what can be done as I'm sure you all know our Port Curtis Bicycle Users Group (BUG) is looking at this already.
If only some of the Councillors would stand on the shoulder (if there even is one!) of the busy roads  cyclists ride, they would have some insight into what we experience every time we head out for a ride. If they are "lucky", they may even get some idiot in a car get close enough to them hoping they will intimidate you because it's "their road" or just thinking it's funny. I know this will never happen.
Since the 2 Councils amalgamated, our local Council can't even manage to cut the grass on the sides of roads until it's 6 feet high; or sweep the roads at regular intervals - basic nuts and bolts stuff they can't get right anymore. I know they are busy, who isn't these days, but come the day someone should not make it home from a ride, how will they feel knowing they could have done something that could have gone a long way to preventing such a tragic event.

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