Saturday, February 9, 2013

Saturday Grind

It was great to see another big turnout for the Calliope Saturday ride with almost perfect weather for riding. In case you are wondering why most drive to Calliope, it’s so the groups can ride the distances in relative calm without having trucks and the like roaring past, also at Boyne Tannum we don’t have much variety!!!

For the few that rode to Calliope Wayne was on fire from the start and set a blistering pace and it wasn’t long before I was peddling by myself (I find it increasingly hard to push myself at that time of the morning). Once there the usual briefing by Mr Drew was held before the groups headed out. 

In the 70k group we had a few new riders with Robin and Shobai especially doing it far too easily. The 70k group broke up early with some heading back early due to other commitments but pretty much stayed together to the 35k turnaround. Once we got going again Robin, Shobai, Chris and Ronnie headed off at a much quicker pace and left Jody and I to plug along. Jenny wasn’t too far behind after we set off and was solo by then so she had a lonely ride. With the tailwind that was on and off we made good time and got back without too much grief. 
It’s great to see some of these ladies riding now that if you had of said to them a year ago you will ride 70k’s; they would have laughed at you.

The other 2 groups both did a hundy but the quicker bunch got in about 10 minutes before the Kaye and Craig who had left Brad and Wentzel not too long after leaving Nagoorin. There were a lot of tired riders by the look of it if there body language was anything to go by.

A special mention the unlucky rider on the side of the road in Calliope as we headed off that was changing a flat. I was loathe to laugh in case Karma caught up with me but I made sure he heard me calling out :) It was to be the first of 3 for the day for the old Northerner!  
Next Calliope Ride is penciled in for the 9th of March.

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