Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Almost Gran Fondo Time

Well this time in 48 hours it will be all over for another year. There will swearing, shivering, wind, I'm sure a few 'how much further to Dululu?' and a few 'just around the corner' lol, laughs, thoughts of I can't go any further (but you will), more swearing, no comfortable spots left on your saddle, some mild pain, definitely a sore arse towards the end, at some point the belief you will make it, then the best feeling as you roll into Rocky and you see the finish; quite rightly too you've just ridden 240km!

Ok it looks like it'll be a cold start, rug up as the first support vehicle will meet us on top of the range to take some clothing if it warms up, hahahahaha warms up heading towards Bilo!
I'll have the fridge with me to put you stuff in and anything else just throw in the back.
We leave at 4am sharp so be there early enough for a few words of encouragement beforehand.
Biggest tip for the day is don't wait till you're suffering to say something, speak up early. Butt cream will be handy too lol.

See you bright and early Saturday.


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