Monday, July 28, 2014

Gran Fondo 2014

Been a little quiet on the news front but we are still GO for the first Saturday in September. Still don't really have a good idea on numbers so if you are thinking of coming along I do need to know so I can forewarn the places we plan to stop. Thanks to those that have got back to me.
Things to consider, it will be bloody cold when we start at 4am (so be there well before that) and colder as we head towards the Range. The support vehicles will be sneaking up on us by the time we head up the Range so we can peel off the layers and give them to these guys. No need to carry a truckload of fluids as you can top up from the support vehicles along the way. Bring spares, at least 2 tubes and a spare tyre isn't a bad idea if you can store it. Once again the support vehicles will have spares but they won't always be with us.
Breakfast in Biloela is always great!
Pray the wind Gods are kind and don't give us a headwind from Biloela as we head north (although it does make the trip more Epic lol)
Dululu is just around the next corner.....
The beer is cold and the food is sensational at the Dululu Pub.
It will get harder from Dululu with around 160k's in your legs and the temperature peaking, throw in some little climbs and it will start getting hard for some, but not impossible.
Mt Morgan is a sight for sore eyes but the climb out of it will make the decent much more enjoyable :-)
The ride to the Highway seems to take forever.
The feeling crossing the floodplain entering Rocky sees the pain start to wash away and a smirk starting to replace the grimace.
The feeling reaching the end at the Information Center at the Tropic of Capricorn....... 'Priceless'.
The feeling of the lush grass between your toes when you take your shoes off is pretty special too ;-)

What do you need to do now? Tell me if you're coming!

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