Sunday, March 9, 2014

The quick trip back

The second Calliope ride started out just like every other, good mix of riders ready for a ride through the lovely rolling hills of the Boyne Valley with some using it as a way of preparing for the Noosa 160.

Great to see Paul come along on his beautiful Colnago C59, a very very nice bike indeed. A new starter for 2014 was Noel who rode strongly until the rolling hills took their toll on the return trip. While the pace isn’t always on like that on these rides there is the odd occasion it gets a little hot. 
The trip out was civilised with an average of about 30 and in what seemed no time the 60k group were peeling off to head back. The remaining riders kept the pace the same all the way to Nagoorin with the wind a little noticeable in our faces (the once or twice I ventured up the front out of guilt I did notice it). After a short break to top up bottles and chat some more we started back.......
I’m not a fan of mentioning average speeds so much but on this occasion I will to give you an idea of the return trip (yes there was some tailwind). Craig and I ended up averaging 40kph back to the Bilo road (which is around 43k in distance) with Paul and Ben well up the road in front of us and don’t quote me but I think they averaged almost 42kph! Kind of explains why I’m having trouble walking today :-)
Overall it was a great ride though. Good to catch up to Ben, John and James just before Nagoorin and have a quick chat before starting the return trip. Not sure how far you guys rode but I’m guessing a decent one after passing you (in the car) along the highway on my way to Calliope in the dark. 

It was also the first time we've come accross the M1 bunch for a while and it was great to see some good numbers in the bunch and the group of broken riders behind them :-)

Next Calliope ride is in 2 week’s time on the 22nd with the same start time. 

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