With only 4 weeks until the Gran Fondo I would like any interested people to please contact me if you haven't already so I can start to organise the stops. If you have someone coming along as a support vehicle can you please let me know also. If you're concerned about getting back from Rocky we might be able to find a lift for you on the Sunday.
The plan is to leave Calliope IGA at 4am (yes that's early) so we get to Biloela for a good breakfast by 8 with a couple of stops along the way. On the range the stronger riders will wait at the top of the longer climbs so everyone can do their own pace when climbing.
People that have to vote can do so in Biloela as we pass the school on the way in. The support people will order our food and coffee that will be worked out out in the coming weeks (if you have specific food or drinks we do have a few fridges in the support vehicles) just as we near Biloela so we can hopefully sit down and enjoy without having to wait forever.
From there it's off to Jambin for a quick check on everyone before proceeding to Dululu for lunch. The support vehicles will meet us along the way on this section for some cool drinks dependent on weather conditions. Once again the support team will order the food for lunch at Dululu so we have it waiting ready for us; by the way the food is great at the pub!
From there we head to Mt Morgan for a quick cool drink before heading down the range via Razorback Road to Gracemere where the ride will finish this year due to the roadworks entering Rocky. We should be there around 4pm.
If you're not sure about the ride I can tell you while yes it's a long way, it's not a hard pace so you don't so much smash yourself, more you will get tired. So long as you keep up the food and drinks up the others will keep you going ;-) As I've mentioned previously if you can do a hundy now at a good pace and not be flogged you should be right.
1 comment:
I didn't get a reply to my email about getting a lift from Gladstone to Calliope on Saturday morning. Would you be able to contact me please. My number is 0432204680 or email williamdebois@icloud.com.
Thank you.
William Debois
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