Friday, March 9, 2012

Weekly Wrap

It's been a pretty quiet week with no major races on at the moment. The Thursday roll saw 15 riders turn up even though a few regulars weren't present. Nobody was interested in taking the quick ride so we set out for the easy ride. By lap 3 without Craig, Graeme or I on the front the pace crept up and up, these are the people that speed up in overtaking lanes :) There was time for an extra half a lap so it was on, can't tell you what happened because I was ordering my first beer :)
This morning saw only a few turn out for the Saturday ride with Dylan, Craig and myself heading north to hook up with the M1 ride again. Luke came along for a spin to knock up a few k's and ended up on the back of the hitters group for a few minutes, clearly not too impressed with the pace....hehehe. The pace on the Hitters ride was fierce from the get go and by the time the group made it to the Krombit road turn I think it was close to half the size it was 5 minutes before! Once on the Krombit road the pace was turned up and I'm pretty sure the only time the speed dropped below 40 was up the is a seriously hard hit out. Craig lasted a little way up the road before he called it a day and I managed to hold on for a fair while but in the end I was afraid if I tried any harder I wouldn't be able to ride home and sat up. From the 20 odd at the start there were only 4 left at the end...enough said.

Sunday saw a big turnout with around 14 riders leaving the surf club at 7am. From all reports the 'Dealer' was dishing it out from the get go up Creek street; wasn't too long ago he couldn't go up at all!

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