Well the Saturday ride this week was nothing like last weeks relatively easy ride. Craig, Vaughn and I (no G) left the Coffee Club at 4:30 while Ryan and Myron 'The Greek' left Gladstone at the same time. The 2 early bird groups met at the usual place on the highway before heading back to the Tannum Coffee Club to pick up the 6am starters. I think we had 12 in the group (no G) all up so a healthy number. Luke dropped a bottle almost first thing so he was behind the 8 ball straight up, Ben waited for him to try and get him back to the pack. The pace was bang on at 30 on the trip to the big roundabout so everyone was pretty comfortable. Once the bunch got to the dam road it was 2 x 2 and all was good with the world. The first 2 riders peeled off with some instruction and then Daryl and I swung out off the front after doing our little bit and I was thinking the group were looking the goods; this is where things got ugly....Ryan and Dylan were the next 2 and the pace went up a few notches resulting in mayhem back in the pack as riders were spat out the back. I decided to drop back and we quickly reformed a group behind the pace setters and cruised to the dam at a steady pace. The pace setters wound it back and stayed out in front of the second group by 100 meters or so. Then came the mighty dam hill.......after the hill there were many groups spread out far and wide. On the return trip Ben put the hammer down like never before and rocketed away from the group (what was left of it) at an alarming pace.
I'm pretty sure by the end of the ride Vaughn was a spent unit from all accounts and I'm certain he won't leave it so long between rides next time :)
Next weeks ride we will split into 2 groups at the start of the dam road to cater for different paces.