Saturday, June 30, 2012

They keep coming...

What a weekend to be out and about on a bike, sunshine, cool tempreatures and no wind made it what I consider ideal riding weather. I know i've gone on about the numbers on the rise out here before on many occasions but new riders just keep appearing. Thursday seems to have a solid base now of around 14 riders now and is slowly starting to look like an organised group the more we discuss the basics of how to ride in a bunch.
On the Sunday ride today we saw about a dozen riders turn up for the usual loop and the pace was firm from the start, and then off, and then on, and then off.......If you are going to have a turn on the front try to keep the pace constant as much as possible, when you don't the group gets very nervous behind and there was a lot of near misses this morning from the ever changing pace. If you are new and you find yourself on the front a lot of people try to be brave and do there time pushing the wind only to pop and promptly drop off the back of the pack. Rest assured everyone else in the group has been there and will not think twice (most of them) if you just roll to the back straight away or if you don't even have a turn up front. Anyway back to the ride again.....what was very pleasing was the amount of other riders on the road we passed during the ride, what a great feeling to see so many riders out enjoying the day. Slowly but surely the brew shop filled after the ride as the pace took it's toll and people turned up; how good is a brew after a ride on a cold morning.
As some would know there has been some work going on in the background around a kit for our group and this is the latest design kicking around. This is still in draft so it's still a bit rough but you get the idea - yes there will be a girl (pink) version ;)

Monday, June 18, 2012

The Big Time

Dylan has just experienced life in the fast lane like never before; well maybe he has ridden as quick but not for so long. Dylan rode the Tour of Toowoomba on the weekend after scoring a ride for a different team to what he generally rides for in the Queensland road series. This event is on par with anything else on the Australian Calendar and has all the gun teams from across the country racing vying for the overall win.
Day 1 saw Dylan finish comfortably in the bunch and not expending too much energy knowing what lay ahead. Day 2 had a finish that had a big climb to finish off the stage, unfortunately he was caught up behind a crash and lost some time but rode very well to be the first of his team home.
Day 3 at around 50k's and riding in windy conditions fatigue catch up with him and he fell off the pace finishing about 30 minutes of the winners time. Day 4 and the Crit was the last stage of the event and he rode well to finish off the Tour.
When you read this consider that he has never trained to ride more than 2 days at State level so to finish the Tour was a great achievement. Well done Dylan. Watch this space!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Long weekend update

Thursday saw 18 riders hit the road for the Thursday roll. The new riders just keep coming which just goes to show how popular cycling is becoming in our area of the world. I must say I would not have picked our numbers increasing considering the cooler weather but happy to be wrong....

Sunday sees a 7am start for the usual ride from the Surf Club and Monday we'll be doing a roll out the Dam from the coffee club at 7am returning for a brew.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Thursday Roll

The Thursday roll is slowly but surely getting more and more interest from the local riders of the Boyne Tannum area. While the ride pace has slowed to 26-27 it may still be a little bit of a stretch for some newer riders. I will now take anyone that is interested up and down the Esplanade - Boat ramp area at a slower pace to cater for the riders that can't keep up with the bigger group just yet. I'm pretty sure the regular riders would agree that it's a good feeling when new riders join the group no matter what level of experience they have.